
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Living in chaos

We should have been Gypsies. We have moved so many times in the past 10 years and my husband is not even in the military. This past move was one of the worst by far! This move was unexpected due to having a nutball for a Landlord.We had scheduled to move the week after we got back from our trip to the desert but, during that time things just came to a head with my husband and our crazy landlord.
 He decided to just move while we were gone. This is where the book Men are from Mars ,Women are from Venus would have come in handy. He told me he didn't want me to have to deal with her and her craziness which I think was a nice idea  but, it just ended up being more of a disaster. Everytime we have moved I have done ALL of the packing..I'm just more of an organizer than he is which isn't saying much but, I do know how to pack and move in an organized fashion.
 He decided to just grab everything from one area and throw it in a box. You can only imagine what the boxes look like. Everything is a huge mess, we are cleaning the house we are leaving and trying to organize the new one at the same time. I can't find ANYTHING! None of the furniture was placed where I wanted it, The cable and phone is all messed up and to make matters worse I can't find my cell phone charger!!! I was without a phone part of the time while in the desert and lost business because of it. ARRGGGHHHH!!! That is probably the worst part of this whole mess.
  So, if I haven't called you please don't be offended. I don't have my phone book and I am scrmbling to try to get through these boxes to find my cell phone charger. I know, I know why not just go and buy a new charger. Well, I hadn't planned on keeping this phone for much longer and don't really want to pay money for something I may just find in a couple of days so,here in lies the lesson....Always buy a car charger too. ; (
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