
Thursday, September 30, 2010

This evenings sunset ( Unedited)

It was an almost eerie but, beautiful sunset. The whole sky was a golden orange color. Almost looks like rain is coming......What a perfect color to welcome in October.
These photos are unedited so you could see the actual color of the sky this evening.
You can click on each photo to see them in more detail.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Living Frugal

Image representing Snapfish as depicted in Cru...

 I was never a really frugal mom until I was forced to be and now, I realize how much I was missing out on.

I always thought that living frugal meant I was being cheap but, I was sooooo wrong! It's actually exciting when I find the deal of the century and it's such a rush! I get the same feeling I used to have when buying a $500.00 pair of sunglasses or a $600.00 purse.

 I look back at that now and think how many awesome deals I could've bought with all that dough! I owe it all to my friend Stephanie who has been given the title "The Frugal Mom". She lives on a budget and hasn't purchased clothes for her kids in 3 years because she get's hand me downs from her friends! I need more friends with kids older than mine ; )

 I have networked and made lot's of frugal mom friends on facebook who share in great deals like this one from Snapfish for a 20 page 5 x 7 photobook shipped for only $1.99 what?!! Ya that's right $ many awesome gifts would these make for a new grandparent or holiday gift. I found this awesome deal on Frugal living and having fun she gives you the coupon code for this and lot's of other great deals and steals.

So my lesson today is...It's not cheap to be frugal, It's Fabulous!
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Monday, September 27, 2010

This is what I needed. It's Confirmation.

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Do you need some freshness in your life today? You may simply need to stir up what God has placed on the inside of you. Stir up those gifts, stir up those dreams, stir up those talents inside. Start stretching yourself. You were created to be a dreamer and to pursue the desires God has placed in your heart.
The Scripture tells us that without vision, people perish. If you don’t have a dream or vision for your life, you’re not really going to reach your fullest potential. Maybe at one time you had a dream, but you went through some disappointments or setbacks. Things didn’t turn out the way you planned. But here’s a key: when one dream dies, dream another dream. Just because it didn’t work out the way you had it planned doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have another plan. You cannot allow one disappointment or even a series of disappointments to convince you that your dream is over. It’s time to dig your heals in and hold on to the promises in your heart. Stir up those God-given dreams today and watch Him pour out His favor and blessing upon you and fulfill every desire in your heart!

Father in heaven, I come humbly to You. I give You my past, my disappointments, my brokenness. Fill me with Your hope and expectation and give me the dreams and desires that You have in store for my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Joel & Victoria Osteen
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pretty little Butterfly

My youngest son is the keeper of all insects. He loves nature and every time I turn around  he's got a butterfly on his finger. This poor little butterfly couldn't quite fly right so he put a bunch of flowers on a little tin so he could watch him for a while. He's gonna let him go later tonight before it gets dark.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back 2 school 2010

My boys were all ready to go this morning, we had planned so well. I even put them on a schedule and they stuck to it!
We got to school and looked up their new classrooms then it happened! A mild meltdown by my new little First grader. He realized that he wasn't going to have the same class with the same kids from Kindergarten and that was it. His eyes started welling up and the tears came. His teacher was very nice and reassuring and even cracked a few jokes then, he saw someone he knew but, was still unsure so we walked inside the room together. The kids got to look around and find their name at their new desk and then she said " you can look at the fish and the frog over there by the door" and that was it my little terrified first grader was happy too see me go. His found chair next to his a familiar face from Kindergarten and it was all good. It was more like "o.k. Mom now you can go".

 I picked them up from school and they were so excited to tell me about their day even my oldest who told me he had a stomach ache and couldn't go to school the night before was happy to find out that one of his best buddies was in his class and all too excited to let me know that he needs a flash drive for his computer class. Anything that has to do with technology is all good in his book.

 And my terrified First grader wasn't so terrified after realizing that he got to have TWO recesses! Oh it's the little things.

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Monday, September 6, 2010


What a nice surprise to come home to. After our trip to the desert my sister-in-law was visiting with her kids and invited us to go to Disneyland with her! I love her like my own sister and still can't believe how nice of her that was.

  We started the day with a big breakfast and off we went.
Who new Gracie loved Mickey so?!
Tia Alma and the boys waiting in line for Buzz lightyear

Blasting away on the ride

Next, was It's a small world..The best ride ever!

 her favorite Princess was Tiana
 Waiting in line for the Submarine ride featuring Finding Nemo...that was the best thing ever for the little Princess considering we watch it every night before bed!

Pirates of the Caribbean was my little Monkey's favorite! He wanted to ride it again and again.

And after the fireworks and laser show it was time to go home...
Looks like someone decided to lay down back there!
Even though it was what seemed like a million degrees the kids had fun as you can see and we look forward to another trip maybe next year when it's NOT so hot.
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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bye Bye j.c.grace

j.c.grace designs has been my baby for about 4 years now and well, It's time for me to give her up not because I don't love her but because I love my husband and kids more.

I made a deal with my husband when we had our second child that I would stay home with the kids until they were old enough to be in school full time then, I would go back to doing what I love which is Make-up. Well, my time is almost up as my little princess will be in school full time in about a year so I need to start refocusing myself on make-up trends and get re-acquainted  with with my first love which leaves j.c.grace out and make-up in.

  I'm feeling almost relieved because I was overwhelmed with orders...I know, I know I should be happy about that but, when you have 3 kids and a husband being ignored for the sake of business it really isn't right. j.c.grace designs was not suppose to take over my whole life and become my full-time job. It was just suppose to help out financially and always take a back seat to family.

Saying goodbye is bittersweet but, it is the right thing to do. I haven't decided what this means for j.c.grace girls as of yet because well, there are so many different aspects of this blog that have nothing to do with j.c.grace designs. I would love to start a Make-up blog but, as of right now I already have this blog and my personal blog A day in the life of j.c.grace so adding a third really defeats the purpose of turning my attention toward family. I would have to give up one of these current ones and I don't know if I'm ready for that yet.

  I am truly thankful to all of my great supporters and customers. j.c.grace designs became so successful because of all of you and for that I am sorry that I have to stop giving you all what you love. I do plan to sell off my supplies on Etsy  and maybe a few kits so you can make some of my items yourself. Let me know if any of you would be interested in kits or supplies. As far as orders go the last of them will be mailed out on Friday 9/03/10
Thanks for everything,
former j.c.grace owner/designer
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