
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Be nice to sick people

When you have a large family or medium family( ie; more than one child) being sick not only sucks for the one who's sick but also for everyone else in the house. It all starts with one sicky poo poo head. He get's better then, the next sicky poo poo head rears it's ugly head. This usually happens one week after the first episode and in our case since there are five of us we don't typically get over it for at least four weeks since two or three of us get it at the same time. Lucky us. If we were a family of three that time would be cut in half but we're not so we have to prepare for at least four weeks of yuck!

 What I hate most about this is that I know it will continue on for a few more years because I have grade school age children and no matter how much I tell them to wash their hands they still manage to bring home whatever is going around school. I know this because it always starts with one of my boys and ends with me.

And what I LOVE hearing from friends and family members "You guys are ALWAYS sick!" That's gotta be my favorite thing about this whole mess. I mean, really? If you have had kids you should understand that no matter how much you disinfect, wipe down,scrub and wash each and every surface and article of clothing you still have NO control and once one gets sick it's inevitable that everyone else will get it.

 So here is my plead to time someone you know gets sick just say "I hope you all get better soon" or " what can I do for you" and leave it at that. Don't be mean and say mean things to sick people. It only makes them feel worse than they already do and won't change the situation they're already in.

Just smile and be nice.
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Monday, January 17, 2011

Scottie Dog love

I snapped this pic late one night when my Princess fell asleep with Sunday. She loves wearing her Scottie Dog hair clippies now that she has her own little Scottie dog...mix that is.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Anger makes me fat!

Angry Talk (Comic Style)

 Today was a day of self discovery. I have discovered that ANGER makes me fat! Well, maybe not just anger but, mostly anger with a little bit of frustration sprinkled with a touch self loathing.

 On my quest to find my skinny girl again I have begun to watch for triggers. Things that trigger me to eat. I don't just want to eat food but, I want to eat S U G A R!! oooo just the thought of a yummy jelly filled doughnut right now sends me over the edge.

 I have had a terrible day and at every low point in my day I panic and begin to look for something loaded full of sugar in my cupboards. Luckily I haven't been shopping in a bit and there was nothing truly treacherous to send me in to a diabetic comma. (No, I'm not diabetic) I did find a box of the kids fruit loops cereal of which, I had a handful and yes, at first it made feel much better but, after a while I just felt terrible for doing it. It wasn't going to make me feel better in the long run, in fact that little handful is going to wreak havoc on my body and settle into a nice cozy place on my thighs...great.

 I use to smoke prior to children and I know realize that I have substituted smoking for eating! I would smoke when I was upset or frustrated or drunk LOL which, I don't do anymore either...gosh, I'm starting to not sound so fun.

Have I become the cliche fat ex-smoker? What do I do now that I know this???? How do I stop emotional eating? I don't dare start smoking because that's just utterly disgusting to me now, not to mention the added bonus of cancer and emphysema.What else could I use to substitute emotional eating and smoking? Maybe I'll take up drinking.. Any thoughts? Please share. I'd love to hear your ideas on ways to beat this monster.
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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 1/11/11

 Happy New Year to you all! This year WILL be prosperous in every category of my life. I will do my best to be the best I can be in every area of my life..I may occasionally slip but, that's okay. I give myself permission.

 I will try to find more ways to be organized so that I will  be more successful at being me which is a Wife, A Mom, A Make-Up Artist, A hair accessories designer and a skinny girl LOL! Yes, I will try to find that skinny girl I use to be....Any suggestions on ways to organize all of this is very welcomed.

What have you decided to change this year?
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