My poor son is trapped like a rat! He had the poor misfortune of cutting his foot while playing on a Razor scooter the other day while wearing SANDALS!! Of course he was. That's because he NEVER listens to mom's warnings "Wear your tennis shoes while playing on the scooter".
I left my kids with my dad for all of 30 minutes which I do most days so I can run errands her and there but, this time I returned to a screaming pre-teen on the couch while his Papa was trying to clean his wound. At first look I thought "oh no, another trip to the E.R." because that's a families past time with 2 boys. Well, I didn't end up taking him after listening to my dad and brother who said "it's not that bad, they won't even give him stitches". But by the next evening his foot had begun to swell so my husband took him to the Hospital anyway.That's what I get for listening to the advice of men when I should listen to my own motherly instinct.
They don't think he has an infection and his x-rays came back all clear. They just think it was a result of the impact and where his cut was. He did need a Tetanus shot and he's on crutches to keep his weight off of his foot since his cut might re-open since it's along the tendon on the back of his ankle. Needless to say he was going NUTS today and since his birthday is tomorrow, I decided to go ahead and give him the two PSP games I bought him as his birthday gifts. That made me the supermom of the day and made me feel pretty good.
Is it bad that he's been playing for 5 hours now and just turned to me and said "I think I may be able to beat the game today,mom!"? Oh well, at least he's not telling me "I hate my life!!!" anymore.